Wind Engineering - one of the most important fields of application for Virtual Engineering in architecture and urban planning

Wind Engineering investigates how wind affects built structures and the interactions with the immediate environment in interaction with local microclimate.

Urban wind fields altered by built environments have far-reaching consequences for air quality, comfort and amenity in exterior and open spaces. The dynamics of the interactions between wind and structure lead to physical risks from critical loads that extend the vulnerability of a building and its dense development to significant health risks for pedestrians and occupants.

Classical methods can hardly predict detailed load patterns

The design features of typical buildings and other high-rise structures, which are usually unfavourable from an aerodynamic point of view, cause wind turbulences or intensify them, sometimes by a multiple. These wind scenarios are characterised by strong updrafts and downdrafts. Air masses can be transported from high altitudes down to ground level.

The complex shape of typical residential and commercial buildings for aesthetic reasons means that wind pressure and wake effects caused by circulation and turbulence are difficult to localise experimentally. Corresponding measurements on site can only be made only at specific locations in the flow field. Therefore, they do not allow spatially coherent inventories of the expected impact scenarios of a project. They are cost-intensive and time-consuming. This applies equally to wind tunnel tests, wherein it is additionally necessary to scale down the research object to the size of the wind tunnel. This causes long known scaling problems and it is very difficult to obtain representative information on complex loading patterns and their environmental characteristics.

Virtual Engineering is a viable and cost-effective alternative

A viable and cost-effective alternative is Virtual Engineering, in particular the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method, in which any load situation, even disastrous, can be investigated in the early planning stages of a project. Numerical modelling enables the study of planning objects of any size at full scale, from a single building to a quarter or an entire city.

Numerically conducted experiments provide any desired level of detail in the analysis at virtually any point in time and at any location of the object under investigation. Experiments and results are fully revisable and can be made available to stakeholders quickly and transparently to advise on further adaptation measures.

The integration of structural mechanics simulations with Finite Element Analysis (FEA) provides insight into other vulnerable building features within the building envelope. Combined CFD-FEM simulations enable realistic total energy balances of building performance that can incorporate site-specific weather factors, seasonal climate variability and long-term climate projections.

Virtual Engineering has developed into an essential, versatile and economical tool in Wind Engineering, which links seamlessly to microclimate modelling and addresses many other interdisciplinary issues in building and urban planning.

Virtual Engineering has developed into an essential, versatile and economical tool in Wind Engineering, which links seamlessly to microclimate modelling and addresses many other interdisciplinary issues in building and urban planning.

Use Cases

Virtual Engineering use in climate resilient building design

CFD analysis of wind comfort in planning of redesign of public spaces in urban areas

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) allows very detailed time dependent flow field analyses for single buildings to whole city districts.

The figure shows an example of a project for inner-city greening. Streamlines mark the wind speed above the built environment.

Strong wind effects are found in the external spaces of the rooftop floors and in the area of the L-shaped building. On the downwind building side (leeward), strong turbulent eddies are induced. Locally, wind speeds are greatly increased in these vortices, and intense upward and downward movements of the air can be observed (updrafts and downdrafts), which fluctuate rapidly. Auf der Wind abgewandten Seite (leeseitig) werden starke turbulente Wirbel induziert. EN Locally, wind speeds are greatly increased in these vortices, and intense upward and downward movements of the air can be observed (updrafts and downdrafts), which fluctuate rapidly.

Through the deliberate use of greenery, these effects can be positively influenced at the pedestrian level and their overall impact can be mitigated. This creates comfortable conditions for pedestrians.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

CFD investigation of the wind comfort at pedestrian level (Pedestrian Wind Comfort) for different design scenarios of planting with trees of different sizes. Colour contours in the lower row of figures indicate comfort conditions according to the Lawson LDDC criterion.

A densification of the tree population significantly improves the outdoor comfort in the areas that are important for e.g. dining. In addition, evotranspirational characteristics of the greenery have beneficial effects on the overall comfort level.

Virtual Engineering for complex microclimate studies
Virtual Engineering for complex microclimate studies

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

CFD investigation of the wind comfort at pedestrian level (Pedestrian Wind Comfort) for different design scenarios of planting with trees of different sizes. Colour contours in the lower row of figures indicate comfort conditions according to the Lawson LDDC criterion.

A densification of the tree population significantly improves the outdoor comfort in the areas that are important for e.g. dining. In addition, evotranspirational characteristics of the greenery have beneficial effects on the overall comfort level.

Wind engineering assesses the quality of public spaces

Site-specific wind conditions

High-rise buildings and especially dense development can significantly increase wind speed at pedestrian level. Therefore, knowledge of the flow characteristics of buildings in relation to site-specific wind conditions at pedestrian level (Pedestrian Wind Comfort) is essential in early planning phases.

Very strong local wind speed accelerations are not only caused at isolated, tall and slim structures. Significantly adverse building aerodynamic characteristics occur at many locations in inner-city spaces, as wind-induced impacts are often not appropriately considered in public space restructuring measures.

Detailed turbulence investigations

Coherent turbulent eddies induce alternating loads on supporting structures, affect the microclimate near the façade and the energy balance of the building. They play a decisive role in the design of comfortable living conditions in outdoor spaces, especially at exposed elevations.

Corresponding parameters are not sufficiently taken into account by today’s building standards because they are based on averaged assumptions. Peak values of dynamic influence, however, significantly determine comfort and safety in outdoor areas (balconies, terraces, other open spaces). They also play a decisive role for robust and durable green roofs and façades.

The example shows CFD investigations of the site-specific flow conditions on a 60-metre-high building in an inner-city area. The planned addition of storeys above the first platform causes strong turbulent vortex structures, which pose a great risk to the planned greening of the upper platforms as well as to the public accessibility of the numerous planned external roof floors.

Comfortable occupancy in public spaces
Comfortable occupancy in public spaces

Detailed turbulence investigations

Coherent turbulent eddies induce alternating loads on supporting structures, affect the microclimate near the façade and the energy balance of the building. They play a decisive role in the design of comfortable living conditions in outdoor spaces, especially at exposed elevations.

Corresponding parameters are not sufficiently taken into account by today’s building standards because they are based on averaged assumptions. Peak values of dynamic influence, however, significantly determine comfort and safety in outdoor areas (balconies, terraces, other open spaces). They also play a decisive role for robust and durable green roofs and façades.

The example shows CFD investigations of the site-specific flow conditions on a 60-metre-high building in an inner-city area. The planned addition of storeys above the first platform causes strong turbulent vortex structures, which pose a great risk to the planned greening of the upper platforms as well as to the public accessibility of the numerous planned external roof floors.

Virtual Engineering for complex microclimate studies

Virtual Wind Tunnel

In the virtual wind tunnel, very detailed investigations can be performed on the entire and unscaled building structure. Reynolds number dependent scaling effects, which are often a limiting factor for the scalability of results obtained in the physical wind tunnel, do not occur here.

Wind Engineering simulations in the virtual wind tunnel are particularly suitable for the investigation of turbulent effects, such as the dynamics of wake flows and the resulting alternating loads. These play a decisive role not only for the stability and safety of the building structure, but also for that of the structural context.

Accurate pressure coefficients cP

Determination of the pressure coefficient cP, which is important for energy modelling, for a 220-metre-high building in the virtual wind tunnel. Not taking the built environment into account in the analysis induces high errors and is not representative (green curve in the diagram). Included in the comparison were cP values from a DTM model, which are up to 100 percent biased (symbols in the diagram). By default, DTMs apply estimated pressure coefficients or values derived from idealised geometries, which are not valid for complex shapes. Our Virtual Engineering systems determine pressure distributions and loads with high accuracy, spatially and temporally resolved. The typical flow characteristics of tall slender structures in their building context are particularly well reproduced by streamline visualisation. In our case, colouring indicates the vertical wind speed. Strong downdrafts are caused by the upwind Tower B (second highest building), in which air masses from an altitude of more than 150 metres can reach the pedestrian level, leading to severe degradation of the comfort conditions in the immediate vicinity of Tower A (highest building). This in turn induces large coherent turbulent vortex structures in the wake, which transport air masses from the ground up to high altitudes.
Virtual Engineering for the optimisation of comfort criteria
Virtual Engineering for the optimisation of comfort criteria

Accurate pressure coefficients cP

Determination of the pressure coefficient cP, which is important for energy modelling, for a 220-metre-high building in the virtual wind tunnel. Not taking the built environment into account in the analysis induces high errors and is not representative (green curve in the diagram). Included in the comparison were cP values from a DTM model, which are up to 100 percent biased (symbols in the diagram). By default, DTMs apply estimated pressure coefficients or values derived from idealised geometries, which are not valid for complex shapes. Our Virtual Engineering systems determine pressure distributions and loads with high accuracy, spatially and temporally resolved.

The typical flow characteristics of tall slender structures in their building context are particularly well reproduced by streamline visualisation. In our case, colouring indicates the vertical wind speed. Strong downdrafts are caused by the upwind Tower B (second highest building), in which air masses from an altitude of more than 150 metres can reach the pedestrian level, leading to severe degradation of the comfort conditions in the immediate vicinity of Tower A (highest building). This in turn induces large coherent turbulent vortex structures in the wake, which transport air masses from the ground up to high altitudes.

Our Services - Wind Engineering

Wind Issues on Buildings

Early identification and elimination of wind-related problems

Draughts, gusts, turbulence

Wind field studies up to city scale

Assessing and securing the quality of public spaces

Optimising wind comfort in public spaces

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

Determination of loads on buildings and structures

Wind, ice, snow

Our Wind Engineering services are comprehensive. We support you in creating climate-resilient and sustainable innovations to realise better buildings and infrastructures and to strengthen your competitive advantage in the long term. We are happy to answer your questions.

Wind Pressure on Façades and Supporting Structures

Determination of the wind pressure coefficient cP with high-resolution for the complete building structure

Static and dynamic loads on structures

Fluid-structure interaction (FSI)

Performance testing of parametric and generative designs


Assessment of health and comfort

Thermal, dynamic, chemical, biological

Air Quality

Contamination dispersion and control

Humidity, smoke, gases, CO2

Suspended particles, dust, aerosol, pollen, bacteria, viruses, pathogens

Smoke dispersion and extraction

Incorporation of renewable energy generation

Prototyp design


Optimisation of energy yield

Holistic Building Evaluation

Simultaneous analysis of energetic parameters and processes inside and outside of buildings

Material selection and optimisation of the design of building components, construction elements and structures

Integration of geo-information such as terrain, surface conditions and exchange processes

Physical impact of site-specific weather patterns and climatological factors

Adaptation to long-term climate projections up to 2050 or 2100


Mitigation of natural hazards

Our Services - Wind Engineering

Our Wind Engineering services are comprehensive. We support you in creating climate-resilient and sustainable innovations to realise better buildings and infrastructures and to strengthen your competitive advantage in the long term. We are happy to answer your questions.

Wind Issues on Buildings

Early identification and elimination of wind-related problems

Draughts, gusts, turbulence

Wind field studies up to city scale

Assessing and securing the quality of public spaces

Optimising wind comfort in public spaces

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

Determination of loads on buildings and structures

Wind, ice, snow

Wind Pressure on Façades and Supporting Structures

Determination of the wind pressure coefficient cP with high-resolution for the complete building structure

Static and dynamic loads on structures

Fluid-structure interaction (FSI)

Performance testing of parametric and generative designs


Assessment of health and comfort

Thermal, dynamic, chemical, biological

Air Quality

Contamination dispersion and control

Humidity, smoke, gases, CO2

Suspended particles, dust, aerosol, pollen, bacteria, viruses, pathogens

Smoke dispersion and extraction

Incorporation of renewable energy generation

Prototyp design


Optimisation of energy yield

Holistic Building Evaluation

Simultaneous analysis of energetic parameters and processes inside and outside of buildings

Material selection and optimisation of the design of building components, construction elements and structures

Integration of geo-information such as terrain, surface conditions and exchange processes

Physical impact of site-specific weather patterns and climatological factors

Adaptation to long-term climate projections up to 2050 or 2100


Mitigation of natural hazards

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Virtual Engineering for Sustainability in Planning and Product Development

Osterfeldstr 79b

Hamburg, 22529


Tel: +49-(0)40-28 41 67 82


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